All functions |
Detect single markers of specific cell groups |
Detect single markers of all cell groups |
Firstup character |
generate html report for single markers of all cell groups |
generate html report for single markers of all cell groups |
Get Antibody information table |
Calculate gene specific score in both direction |
Calculate gene negative specific score |
Calculate gene positive specific score with FBeta (Hypergate like approach) |
Calculate gene positive specific score |
Calculate gene positive specific score with FBeta (Hypergate like approach) |
Calculate gene negative specific score |
UmapPlot based on results from Markers Greedy Search |
Intersect 2 list ignoring the cases and return the elements in list1 |
make id for plotting |
Min-Max Normalization |
Detect greedy step by step filters for cell group identification |
RidgePlot of selected genes, with split value |