Detect single markers of all cell groups
step = 0.1,
slot = "data",
category = NULL,
clusters_to_detect = NULL,
geneset = NULL,
assay = "RNA", = F,
min.pct = 0.15,
min.fc = 0.25,
use.all = F,
do.f1score = F,
pseudo.count = 0.01,
min.tnr = 0.65,
org = "mouse",
self.db = NULL,
self.db.only = F,
seurat obj to be used
quantile steps
indicate the slot of data to compute
set of clusters for compupation
custom genes to test
indicate the assay to compute
only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of cells in interested cell types. Default is 0.15
Don't do any filter on input geneset
Choose database for human or mouse
self defined antibody database
Bolean. Only use the self deifned antibody database or not
interested cell group
Denotes which test to use. Available options are:
"IHC" : use genes with valid antibody for IHC in human protein atlas
"ICC" : use genes with valid antibody for ICC in human protein atlas
"ICC.IHC" : use genes with valid antibody for ICC or IHC in human protein atlas
"Flow" : Only use cell surface genes with at least one valid antibody(ICC or IHC)
list of markers performance