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R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)

Package version: 0.2.52

Your input file.

sample_path <- system.file("extdata", "Input_Example_local.csv", package = "sigurd")
sample_file <- read.csv(sample_path)
##                      patient                    sample  source             type
## 1                    Sample1             Minus_Sample1 VarTrix scRNAseq_Somatic
## 2                    Sample1             Minus_Sample1 VarTrix      scRNAseq_MT
## 3                    Sample1             Minus_Sample1 MAEGATK      scRNAseq_MT
## 4                    Sample1              Plus_Sample1 VarTrix scRNAseq_Somatic
## 5                    Sample1              Plus_Sample1 VarTrix      scRNAseq_MT
## 6                    Sample1              Plus_Sample1 MAEGATK      scRNAseq_MT
## 7     SW_CellLineMix_All_mr3    SW_CellLineMix_All_mr3 MAEGATK      Amplicon_MT
## 8  SW_CellLineMix_RNAseq_mr3 SW_CellLineMix_RNAseq_mr3 MAEGATK      scRNAseq_MT
## 9      TenX_BPDCN712_All_mr3     TenX_BPDCN712_All_mr3 MAEGATK      Amplicon_MT
## 10  TenX_BPDCN712_RNAseq_mr3  TenX_BPDCN712_RNAseq_mr3 MAEGATK      scRNAseq_MT
##                                                   bam
## 1  ~/test_data/Minus_Sample1/possorted_genome_bam.bam
## 2  ~/test_data/Minus_Sample1/possorted_genome_bam.bam
## 3  ~/test_data/Minus_Sample1/possorted_genome_bam.bam
## 4   ~/test_data/Plus_Sample1/possorted_genome_bam.bam
## 5   ~/test_data/Plus_Sample1/possorted_genome_bam.bam
## 6   ~/test_data/Plus_Sample1/possorted_genome_bam.bam
## 7                                                NADA
## 8                                                NADA
## 9                                                NADA
## 10                                               NADA
##                                                                                        input_path
## 1                                                                    ~/test_data/VarTrix/Somatic/
## 2                                                                         ~/test_data/VarTrix/MT/
## 3                                             ~/test_data/MAEGATK/Minus_Sample1/final/maegatk.rds
## 4                                                                    ~/test_data/VarTrix/Somatic/
## 5                                                                         ~/test_data/VarTrix/MT/
## 6                                              ~/test_data/MAEGATK/Plus_Sample1/final/maegatk.rds
## 7        ~/test_data/MAESTER_data/SW_CellLineMix_All_mr3/final/SW_CellLineMix_All_mr3_maegatk.rds
## 8  ~/test_data/MAESTER_data/SW_CellLineMix_RNAseq_mr3/final/SW_CellLineMix_RNAseq_mr3_maegatk.rds
## 9          ~/test_data/MAESTER_data/TenX_BPDCN712_All_mr3/final/TenX_BPDCN712_All_mr3_maegatk.rds
## 10   ~/test_data/MAESTER_data/TenX_BPDCN712_RNAseq_mr3/final/TenX_BPDCN712_RNAseq_mr3_maegatk.rds
##                                                   cells
## 1  ~/test_data/Minus_Sample1/Minus_Sample1_barcodes.tsv
## 2  ~/test_data/Minus_Sample1/Minus_Sample1_barcodes.tsv
## 3  ~/test_data/Minus_Sample1/Minus_Sample1_barcodes.tsv
## 4    ~/test_data/Plus_Sample1/Plus_Sample1_barcodes.tsv
## 5    ~/test_data/Plus_Sample1/Plus_Sample1_barcodes.tsv
## 6    ~/test_data/Plus_Sample1/Plus_Sample1_barcodes.tsv
## 7                                                  NADA
## 8                                                  NADA
## 9                                                  NADA
## 10                                                 NADA

Your vcf files.

These files are needed for VarTrix and not MGATK/MAEGATK. Since MAEGATK only analyses the mitochondrial genome, you only need to decide on a chromosomal prefix for your data. See the loading of data below.

vcf_path <- system.file("extdata", "CosmicSubset_filtered.vcf", package = "sigurd")
vcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(vcf_path)
vcf_info <- VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)
## class: CollapsedVCF 
## dim: 1684 0 
## rowRanges(vcf):
##   GRanges with 5 metadata columns: paramRangeID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER
## info(vcf):
##   DataFrame with 10 columns: GENE, STRAND, GENOMIC_ID, LEGACY_ID, CDS, AA, H...
## info(header(vcf)):
##               Number Type    Description                        
##    GENE       1      String  Gene name                          
##    STRAND     1      String  Gene strand                        
##    GENOMIC_ID 1      String  Genomic Mutation ID                
##    LEGACY_ID  1      String  Legacy Mutation ID                 
##    CDS        1      String  CDS annotation                     
##    AA         1      String  Peptide annotation                 
##    HGVSC      1      String  HGVS cds syntax                    
##    HGVSP      1      String  HGVS peptide syntax                
##    HGVSG      1      String  HGVS genomic syntax                
##    CNT        1      Integer How many samples have this mutation
## geno(vcf):
##   List of length 0:
## DataFrame with 1684 rows and 10 columns
##             GENE      STRAND  GENOMIC_ID    LEGACY_ID            CDS
##      <character> <character> <character>  <character>    <character>
## 1           ABL1           +          NA COSN17133235  c.136+2107G>C
## 2           ABL1           +          NA COSN14774721  c.136+2599C>T
## 3           ABL1           +          NA COSN17133236  c.136+3198G>C
## 4           ABL1           +          NA COSN17133237  c.136+4488G>C
## 5           ABL1           +          NA COSN17133050  c.136+5055C>T
## ...          ...         ...         ...          ...            ...
## 1680         WT1           -          NA  COSN6609219    c.872+82G>T
## 1681         WT1           -          NA COSN17132919    c.872+16G>A
## 1682         WT1           -          NA COSN17134797    c.770-57C>T
## 1683         WT1           -          NA  COSM5020955       c.594C>T
## 1684       ZRSR2           +          NA  COSM3035276 c.1338_1343dup
##                  AA                  HGVSC                  HGVSP
##         <character>            <character>            <character>
## 1               p.? ENST00000372348.6:c...                     NA
## 2               p.? ENST00000372348.6:c...                     NA
## 3               p.? ENST00000372348.6:c...                     NA
## 4               p.? ENST00000372348.6:c...                     NA
## 5               p.? ENST00000372348.6:c...                     NA
## ...             ...                    ...                    ...
## 1680            p.? ENST00000332351.7:c...                     NA
## 1681            p.? ENST00000332351.7:c...                     NA
## 1682            p.? ENST00000332351.7:c...                     NA
## 1683      p.N198%3D ENST00000332351.7:c... ENSP00000331327.3:p...
## 1684 p.S447_R448dup ENST00000307771.7:c... ENSP00000303015.7:p...
##                       HGVSG       CNT
##                 <character> <integer>
## 1          9:g.130716562G>C        10
## 2          9:g.130717054C>T        10
## 3          9:g.130717653G>C        10
## 4          9:g.130718943G>C        10
## 5          9:g.130719510C>T        11
## ...                     ...       ...
## 1680       11:g.32427874C>A        74
## 1681       11:g.32427940C>T       132
## 1682       11:g.32428115G>A       108
## 1683       11:g.32434752G>A        73
## 1684 X:g.15823131_1582313..        10
vcf_path_mt <- system.file("extdata", "chrM_Input_VCF_NoMAF_Filtering.vcf", package = "sigurd")
vcf_mt <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(vcf_path_mt)
vcf_mt_info <- VariantAnnotation::info(vcf_mt)
## class: CollapsedVCF 
## dim: 49708 0 
## rowRanges(vcf):
##   GRanges with 5 metadata columns: paramRangeID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER
## info(vcf):
##   DataFrame with 1 column: ID
## info(header(vcf)):
##       Number Type      Description
##    ID A      Character Mutation   
## geno(vcf):
##   List of length 0:
## DataFrame with 49708 rows and 1 column
##                             ID
##                <CharacterList>
## chrM:1_G/A               1_G>A
## chrM:3_T/A               3_T>A
## chrM:4_C/A               4_C>A
## chrM:6_C/A               6_C>A
## chrM:8_G/A               8_G>A
## ...                        ...
## chrM:16564_A/T       16564_A>T
## chrM:16565_C/T       16565_C>T
## chrM:16566_G/T       16566_G>T
## chrM:16567_A/T       16567_A>T
## chrM:16569_G/T       16569_G>T

Loading and filtering the input data.

We load the data per patient and merge all the associated samples automatically. In the input file, you have to include which software tool was used for the analysis. The source can either be vartrix or maegatk/mgatk. The respective loading function will then only load the files intended for it. The types of data available are: - scRNAseq_Somatic: the standard 10X results analysed for somatic variants. - scRNAseq_MT: the standard 10X results analysed for MT variants. - Amplicon_Somatic: amplicon data analysed for somatic variants. - Amplicon_MT: amplicon data analysed for MT variants.

Since the MT results are denser, they take longer to load.

Sample1_scRNAseq_Somatic <- LoadingVarTrix_typewise(samples_file = sample_path, vcf_path = vcf_path, patient = "Sample1", type_use = "scRNAseq_Somatic")
## [1] "Loading the data for patient Sample1."
## [1] "We read in the  central input file."
## [1] "We subset to the relevant files."
## [1] "We get the different samples."
## [1] "We load the SNV files."
## [1] "We read the variants."
## [1] "We read in the cell barcodes output by CellRanger as a list."
## [1] "We read in the vcf file."
## [1] "We generate more accessible names."
## [1] "We read in the different sparse genotype matrices as a list."
## [1] "We have a slot per type of input data."
## [1] "Loading sample 1 of 2"
## [1] "Loading sample 2 of 2"
## [1] "We generate a large data.frame of all the snv matrices."
## [1] "We remove the matrix lists."
## [1] "We remove variants, that are not detected in at least 2 cells."
## [1] "We remove cells that are always NoCall."
## [1] "scRNAseq_Somatic Variants: 73"
## [1] "scRNAseq_Somatic Cells: 571"
## [1] "We transform the sparse matrices to matrices, so we can calculate the fraction."
## [1] "We generate a SummarizedExperiment object containing the fraction and the consensus matrices."
samples_file = sample_path
patient = "Sample1"
type_use = "scRNAseq_MT"
samples_path = NULL
patient_column = "patient"
type_use = "scRNAseq_MT"
chromosome_prefix = "chrM"
min_cells = 2
barcodes_path = NULL
cellbarcode_length = 18
verbose = TRUE
Sample1_scRNAseq_MT <- LoadingMAEGATK_typewise(samples_file = sample_path, patient = "Sample1", type_use = "scRNAseq_MT")
## [1] "Loading the data for patient Sample1."
## [1] "We read in the central input file."
## [1] "We subset to the relevant files."
## [1] "We get the different samples."
## [1] "We read in the cell barcodes output by CellRanger as a list."
## [1] "We load the MAEGATK output files."
## [1] "Loading sample 1 of 2"
## [1] "Loading sample 2 of 2"
## [1] "We merge the samples."
## [1] "We get the allele frequency."
## [1] "We get the coverage information."
## [1] "We get the number of alternative reads per variant."
## [1] "We get the quality information."
## [1] "We get the number of reference reads."
## [1] "Calculating the strand concordance."
## [1] "We calculate the consensus information."
## [1] "We perform some filtering to reduce the memory needed."
## [1] "We remove variants, which are not covered in at least 2 cells ."
## [1] "We remove cells that are always NoCall."
## [1] "We add the information to the merged matrices."
Sample1_combined <- CombineSEobjects(se_1 = Sample1_scRNAseq_Somatic, se_2 = Sample1_scRNAseq_MT, suffixes = c("_somatic", "_MT"))

rm(Sample1_scRNAseq_Somatic, Sample1_scRNAseq_MT)
Sample1_combined <- Filtering(Sample1_combined, min_cells_per_variant = 2, fraction_threshold = 0.05)
## [1] "We assume that cells with a fraction smaller than our threshold are actually NoCall."
## [1] "We set consensus values to 0 (NoCall) and fraction values to 0."
## [1] "We do not set fractions between 0.05 and 1 to 1."
## [1] "This way, we retain the heterozygous information."
## [1] "We remove all the variants that are always NoCall."
## [1] "We remove variants, that are not at least detected in 2 cells."
## [1] "We remove all cells that are not >= 1 (Ref) for at least 1 variant."
Sample1_combined <- VariantBurden(Sample1_combined)

Determing MT variants of interest.

This thresholding was adapted from Miller et al.

The heatmap needs some time to plot, since the cells are clustered.

voi_ch <- VariantQuantileThresholding(SE = Sample1_combined, min_coverage = 2, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.9), thresholds = c(0.1, 0.9))
## [1] "We set NoCall cells as NA."
## [1] "Get the mean allele frequency and coverage."
## [1] "Get the quantiles of the VAFs of each variant."
## [1] "Thresholding using the quantile approach."
hm <- HeatmapVoi(SE = Sample1_combined, voi = voi_ch)

Association of Variants

Using Fisher’s Exact test, we find co-present variants. You can also use the correlation between variants. For this, we combine the somatic and the MT results. Since the possible number of tests/correlations is quite large, you can use multiple cores to perform the calculations.

#Sample1_split_rows <- RowWiseSplit(Sample1_combined, remove_nocalls = FALSE, n_cores = 19)

#results_fishertest  <- VariantWiseFisherTest(Sample1_split_rows, n_cores = 19)

#variant_association_heatmap <- VariantFisherTestHeatmap(results_fishertest, patient = "Sample1", min_alt_cells = 3)