CpG signature plot
color_dict = NULL,
color_others = "black",
as_panel = TRUE,
is_beta = TRUE,
base_size = 14,
- cpg_obj
A CimpleG object, as generated by the CimpleG function. Alternatively a names character vector or list with the signatures.
- data
Matrix or data.frame that should have the samples and signatures to plot. Samples should be in rows and probes/CpGs in columns.
- meta_data
Data.frame containing metadata from samples in `data`.
- sample_id_column
Name of the column containing the sample id in the meta_data data.frame
- true_label_column
Name of the column containing the true labels of the samples in the meta_data data.frame
- color_dict
Named string featuring colors as values and labels (true labels) as names
- color_others
The name or hex code of a color by which the non-target samples should be colored by.
- as_panel
A boolean, if TRUE (default) a single figure panel with all the signatures will be generated. Otherwise, the individual plots will be returned as a list.
- is_beta
A boolean, if TRUE (default) the values will be plotted in a scale suitable for Beta values. Otherwise, the values will be plotted in scale suitable for M values.
- base_size
An integer defining the base size of the text in the plot. Default is `14`.
- ...
Parameters passed to the ggplot2::theme function.