Scatter plots of observed (true) vs predicted values for deconvolution.
Produces one plot panel per number of methods with predictions. Each plot panel has one plot per cell type.
- deconv_df
A data.frame with, true values and predictions for different methods as columns. Each row should be a prediction for a given sample and a given group/cell type.
- true_values_col
A string with the name of the column with the true values in `deconv_df`.
- predicted_cols
A vector of strings with the name of the columns with the predictions for different methods in `deconv_df`.
- sample_id_col
A string with the name of the column with the sample name or ID in `deconv_df`.
- group_col
A string with the name of the column containing the cell types or groups in `deconv_df`.
- axis_lims
A list with two entries, `x` and `y`, defining the limits of the x and y axis of the plot.